1) Create a template
Artisanal art samples as images of sample products
- Use clay to fill in prescribed form, edit lines and sculptural language of finished products on each finished product.
- Upon reaching the requirement of making a corrective plaster mold, pour out a plaster mold.
- Editing lines like sketches approved.
2) Create mold
Mold making process
- Using soil + pin + wind paper to make negative mold (Open mold or 2-half mold)
- After that, use the + ground mud + heat-resistant powder to make the inner core (called as sport).
- Heat nine molds at a temperature of 700 degrees C, then cool to align the thin thickness of the copper, to meet the technical requirements
- Modify the mold, clean, heat-resistant paint again to heat again at a temperature of 500 degrees C, mold molding into 1 block
3) Melt the ingredients
Cooking copper at a temperature of 1200 degrees C, when copper runs out of phase Tin + Lead + Zinc as required, adjusting the temperature to 1250 degrees Celsius, the liquid water meets the requirements at that time and then put into the mold
* Note
- When metal mixed into each finished product, artisans must have experience mixing metal mixtures together
- For example:
+ For bust of need rate: Copper 92% + Tin 5% + Lead 3%
+ But for outdoor statues, the ratio: Copper 85% + Tin 9% + Lead 3% + Zinc 2% + Ni Ken 1%
- Depending on the finished product, the artists mixed different
4) Pour the mold
Cook and pour the alloy into the mold
- Before casting copper and molten alloys into molds, they must be heated evenly, enough heat for copper to flow evenly in the mold. This is the most difficult stage thanks to the experience of the eyes and the judgment of experienced artists
5) Complete products
Finished product stage
- After cold casting, unload the mold to get the product to be sharpened, honed, chiseled, but according to the model and the eyes of artisans must be homogeneous - bronze gas to meet the technical and artistic requirements.
Difficult to cast especially types: products with small details, statues of Buddha portrait, people must have charisma; The bell and the bell beat up must be clear and ringing.
- Products cast after reaching the standard of shape, size, motifs must be conducted for cooling. If you want to do this step, you need to have your own tools like trees
drill, file table, anvil knife ... The most important stage is the station, with a lot of specialized tools, station artisans can create lines like they are "station", "sinking stations" "," floating casting station "(positive station).
- Copper mosaic craft is also a unique profession of our factory. The essence of this stage is to put other precious metals such as gold and silver into the surface of the product to create high value and artistry.
First, artisans have to chisel on the surface of the product to create a negative image for textures and designs that fit into the negative blocks created by other metals, followed by laminated and polished surfaces. .
- Adding gas, when adding another metal to the copper product is called bogie mosaic, two other metals are called tam gas.
- This is also a stage considered as the traditional recipe of each artist. Thus, people create different colors suitable for each product, including antique fake products with rusty colors like over thousands of years. And especially the color is kept intact for hundreds of years.
Vietnamese home gifts specialize in providing painting gift products such as gifts of silk paintings and gifts of bronze oil painting gifts such as fine art bronze articles, gold coins, bronze paintings. In addition, we also have other services such as gold pin service on bronze, painting services on demand and consulting services for design and construction of minor reliefs.
All information of the customer please contact:
Address: Lot A3, New urban area, Dich Vong Hau, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Email: quatangnhaviet@gmail.com
Website: quatangnhaviet.com